FVWM: configuration question

From: Andy J. Smith <A.J.Smith_at_nortel.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 12:57:48 +0100 (BST)

Hi, I currently use SloppyFocus for almost all windows, but I'd like it so
that if I click (button 0) anywhere in a window (not just the frame, I
mean anywhere within the confines of the window) it will be raised.

At the moment, if I move into a window it won't raise even though it has
focus. I have to move the mouse to the frame or titlebar and click to
raise it, which can be annoying if most of the title bar is covered or if
it is a large window.

Andy J. Smith http://sol.soc.staffs.ac.uk/cm4bcajs

Nortel Technology ESN: 742 2675
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Received on Fri Sep 20 1996 - 07:07:33 BST

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