Re: FVWM: fvwm: configuring Xresourses of windows

From: Jeff Magill <>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 96 09:49:34 PDT

>Now, if we could get this functionallity into a fvwm-module, the
>usal pop-down menu from the upper left corner could look like

Good idea.

However, editres isn't always that useful. The builder of an X application
has to make a conscious effort to make an application work with editres.
I.e. the programmer has to stick a function call in the code to get the
application to understand the editres protocol. I suspect that this is
the case with any application that wants to go fooling around with an
application's resources. (After all, hanky-panky without consent is
called rape, you know. I guess you could call that kind of application
"xrape".) Many applications don't support the editres protocol.

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