FVWM: title-bar patch

From: David Kennedy <D.Kennedy_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 17:29:43 +0100

This is a bit of a frequently asked question, I'm sorry for the
repetition...a brief search didn't turn up the answer either.

What is the current status of the titlebar pixmap patch?
Where can I get it?

Thats it.

(I'm one of those sad people who like the cosmetic aspects of fvwm2,
vertical pixmaped titlebars, or better yet, the 'marbled' window
effect seen at http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~s2154962/ are wonderful!)

Oh, almost forgot to include my customary plea for StartsOnPage...

David Kennedy, The Queen's University of Belfast.
" I come from a hungry family - my mother used to
  count us after every meal. " Bob Shaw
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