> I am trying to have the root menu (pop-up) have as its title
> the name of the machine it's running on. I assume I might have
> to do something with M4 or CPP but I can't figure out what. I
> don't see anything in the fvwm doc's about putting something in
> the title dynamically. Anyone know if it can be done?
I've done this with M4. I have 3 machines that all use the same fvwmrc
files, and I set up a hostname (and a host icon) in the FvwmButtons bar.
Warning: I am just learning M4, there are probably much better ways to
handle this.
# Handy capitalization functions from the M4 info pages:
define(`UPCASE', `translit(`$*', `a-z',`A-Z')')
define(`DOWNCASE', `translit(`$*', `A-Z', `a-z')')
define(`CAPITALIZE_WORD',`regexp(`$1', `^\(\w\)\(\w*\)',`UPCASE(`\1')`'DOWNCASE(`\2')')')
# Get base hostname, and capitalize 1st letter.
# If NAME_LEN=-1, there isn't a fqdn.
Then it's just a matter of using BASENAME at some point in the menu
definition. I guess something like this:
AddToMenu "Desktop" "BASENAME" Title
+ ...
#!/usr/bin/perl -i\$q='$q',\$p='$p';eval\$q.\$\^I\n"# # jeh22_at_cornell.edu
$q='print"$p$^I\n',$p='#!/usr/bin/perl -i';eval$q.$^I # Joey Hess
"How appropriate, you fight like a cow." - - Guybrush Threepwood
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