FVWM: TitleStyle Problems

From: Hi <veliaa_at_rpi.edu>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 17:13:48 -0400

>>>>> Regarding FVWM: TitleStyle Problems; Christopher Wolf
>>>>> <cwolf_at_micro.ti.com> adds:

    Chris> I'm trying to use the TitleStyle controls with 2.0.43, as
    Chris> follows:
    Chris> TitleStyle ActiveUp (Pixmap /home/cwolf/Icons/paw.xpm)
    Chris> This works fine, but if I try the example given in the man
    Chris> page:
    Chris> TitleStyle ActiveUp (Pixmap /home/cwolf/Icons/paw.xpm --
    Chris> Bottom Left)

    Chris> it fails! No icon ever appears. I also have an ActiveDown
    Chris> setting which works (beacause I don't use the -- stuff).
    Chris> No manner of options after the -- seems to get it to work.
    Chris> Anyone know why?

I'll look into this when I get a chance. Are you using tbp4?

I'd prefer that questions regarding the patch are emailed to me
direclty since it is not part of Fvwm.

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Received on Wed Sep 11 1996 - 16:22:56 BST

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