Re: FVWM: call for vote: should menus warp the pointer?

From: Marco Mariani <>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 22:16:51 -0100 (GMT-0100)

On Mon, 9 Sep 1996, Dan Espen wrote:

> Personally, I recommend finding 3 keys on the keyboard you are not
> using. (On my Sun 4 keyboard, I use "=", "/". and "*" on the numeric
> pad). I bind them the same as the 3 mouse buttons on the root window.
> (Except that they are active all the time, not just on the root.)

I've tried the following:

Key Sys_Req A A Popup "RootMenu"
Key Scroll_Lock A A Popup "Window-Ops"
Key Pause A A Module FvwmWinList

It doesn't work. I am only able to bind F-keys, tab, arrows..

I use fvwm 2.43, XFree 3.1.2F, linux-intel 2.0.18.

All The Best,

"The reason we come up with new versions is not to fix bugs. It's absolutely
 not. It's the stupidest reason to buy a new version I ever heard. When we
 do a new version we put in lots of new things that people are asking for.
 And so, in no sense, is stability a reason to move to a new version.
 It's never a reason."

   - Bill Gates, interviewed by Juergen Scriba of FOCUS magazine -

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