FVWM: fvwm autoplacement of windows

From: James_Kingdon <J.B.Kingdon_at_pac.soton.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1996 14:15:23 +0100


I was wondering if a small change to the placement algorithm for
new windows might be worth considering.
I use an IconBox which runs across the top of my screen; the auto-
placement for new windows almost invariably puts the new window at
0,0 which is slap on top of the icons.
Perhaps we could have an option to exclude the iconBox from the
window auto-placement area?

 James Kingdon                                       |               |
 Parallel Applications Centre                        |  /|   /|   /| |
 2 Venture Road                                      | | |  | |  | | |
 Chilworth                                           | | |  | |  | | |
 Southampton          Phone:  +44 1703 760834        | | |  | |  | | |
 S016 7NP             Fax:    +44 1703 760833        | |/   |/   |/  |
 United Kingdom       E-Mail: jbk_at_pac.soton.ac.uk    |_______________|
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