FVWM: New FvwmIconMan release

From: Brady Montz <bradym_at_cs.arizona.edu>
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 1996 19:09:49 -0700 (MST)

I've released a new version of FvwmIconMan (0.7). You can find it on
mahler.cs.arizona.edu in /pub/FvwmIconMan. I'd be grateful if as many
people as possible would download it and try it out. Since fvwm 2.1 is
probably going to happen soon, I'm impatient to establish its stability.

What's new:

1. Added two options (title, and iconname) so that you can set the
   title and icon name of the manager windows.
2. replaced the showtitle option with the format option. This lets you
   give a printf-like format string to describe the string to be
   displayed in a window's button. For example, the string "%c: %i"
   would print the classname of the window, followed by a colon and the
   icon name.
3. You can now use FvwmIconMan as a transient module, like FvwmWinList.
4. I added a little chart near the front of the manpage listing the
   options. I hate paging through manpages trying to figure out what all
   the options are, and I assume others do too.

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Received on Sun Aug 11 1996 - 21:10:17 BST

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