FVWM: Re: Associating bitmaps to fvwm menu options....

From: Patrice Fortier <Patrice.Fortier_at_emi.u-bordeaux.fr>
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 1996 10:54:08 +0200 (MET DST)

Manuel GUIJARRO <Juan.Manuel.Guijarro_at_cern.ch> wrote:
> We want to move from standard "mwm" to "fvwm" and for that we have
> to convert our .mwmrc to .fvwmrc. My question is how can I associate
> bitmaps to fvwm menu options?. i.e.: How do you translate this .mwmrc
> statement:

> _at_/usr/local/cluster/bitmaps/shell.px f.exec "xterm &"

  You can only add pixmaps in menu entries with fvwm2.

First you should set the pixmap path in the PixmapPath variable:

PixmapPath /my/pixmap/path/:/usr/local/cluster/bitmaps/
And then this is the syntax in the AddToMenu function:

+ "Xterm%shell.px%" Exec xterm &

Hope this help.

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Received on Fri Aug 09 1996 - 04:03:24 BST

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