Re: FVWM: Machine name in Xterm

From: Kai Grossjohann <>
Date: 07 Aug 1996 16:33:40 +0200

>>>>> Charles Gagnon writes:

  Charles> Howdy all, I just installed Fvwm 2.0.42 on a Solaris 2.4
  Charles> and I share the partition with all my Solaris 2.4
  Charles> machines. I have an Xterm command in my menu and I would
  Charles> like to know how to set the -title to the name of the
  Charles> machine I'm running the fvwm2 on.

(1) You use FvwmCpp or FvwmM4 and use one of the predefined macros to
stick into the -title option.

(2) You execute a shell script that does xterm -title `hostname`.

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Received on Wed Aug 07 1996 - 09:39:54 BST

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