FVWM: Can I? How do I?

From: Murray A. Byers <mabyers_at_iconz.co.nz>
Date: Tue, 06 Aug 96 13:12:22

Can you help me please.

As the subject says. Can I? How do I?

-Use the systems hilights, shadow and relief colours in a XPM format?
   The idea here is to make my own shape/design buttons.

-Swallow Winlist into a FvwmButton?
   The objective here is to make my own style Winlist bar.

-Raise the the FvwmButton bar by a Button, moving the mouse to a specific area,
  by a key binding.

-Hide and unhide the FvwmButton bar.

Also I'm looking for a good system monitoring app with at least load, memory
and swap to use with Fvwm2. Graphical display would be nice.
Could you please recommend one (some). I value your opinion.

Oh! My system Linux2.0 Redhat Fvwm2.0.43

Thanks for your attention and time from a cool wet downunder.


mabyers_at_iconz.co.nz (Murray A. Byers)


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