On Thu, 25 Jul 1996, Charles Hines wrote:
> Manoj> Now, I've applied this patch, but I'm still getting the same
> Manoj> timing problem with a window not getting Style flags. :(
> Damn. Not what I wanted to hear...
Me neither. :)
> Just out of curiousity, when are these windows popping up? Is it
> while fvwm is rebordering the windows (which shouldn't be happening
> now, but what I had suspected of being the original problem), or
> before or after that seems to start/stop?
Here's a sequence of events that I have found so far. My startup is pretty
fast at home (Yay Linux!), but I'll try this on a slow school machine if I
get a chance, to get more detail on the seq. of events and try different
0. There is an xconsole open on the screen while xdm is waiting for login.
1. I login. xconsole is not killed.
2. rxvt pops up with minimal dark-gray decorations.
3. xconsole is iconified (StartIconic in fvwm2rc)
4. modules pop up
Here are all the details I've come up with on this poor unloved window:
- Titlebar has no buttons.
- Dark gray decorations
- mouse bindings (Meta-mouse3) seem to work on unloved window decorations
- key bindings (Meta-F1) fail with focus on the unloved window itself (W
in fvwm2rc)
- Restart fixes all problems
I think this covers all the symptoms. Once again, my fvwm2rc:
Manoj Kasichainula - manojk_at_andrew.cmu.edu | "Life is like an analogy."
http://dosa.ini.cmu.edu/~manojk/ |
Finger for PGP public key & Geek Code | - Aaron Allston
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Received on Fri Jul 26 1996 - 04:18:00 BST