FVWM: emacs, gnudoit, and vm

From: Steven Haslam <shaslam_at_armltd.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 96 11:49:41 BST

Barry D. Benowitz writes:

> I'm using a combination of windows commands and gnudoit, but it always
> seems to try to happen in another emacs frame where vm is not running
> so the "vm-get-new-mail" fails.

Noting that my vm window always has "INBOX" in the title, I tried

Next [*INBOX*] Focus

into FvwmTalk, and this shifted my pointer to the INBOX window.

Presumably, by replacing "Focus" with a function invocation, this
could be extended to do what you require?

(assuming fvwm2, of course).
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