FVWM: Dual Screen

From: <Martin.Wunderli_at_jungle.ch>
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 1996 22:06:11 +0200


I intend to use two monitors and two graphic adapters with a SUN Sparcstation 5
(TurboGXPlus graphics adapter). The first tests I did with CDE wm (shudder...),
revealed that I cannot move a window from one monitor to another and that a
window cannot reside partly on monitor one and partly on monitor two.

I wonder whether this is a problem of TurboGXPlus, X or CDE wm. Since I do not
believe in CDE wm at all :-) and since I am quite a fan of fvwm, I still hope
that at least moving a window from one monitor to another is possible with
fvwm. Maybe even having a window spread over two monitors (having a window on
partly on a page seems to be similar).

Till now I used fvwm 1.24r and had a look at fvwm2-95, but I did not find any
hint in that direction. Does anyone have experiences with dual monitors?

Thanks for your help

Martin Wunderli, Grundstrasse 11, 8048 Zuerich, Tel: +41 1 400 21 71
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