Re: FVWM: Re: beta 2.0.43 ready

From: Charles Hines <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 1996 16:52:43 -0400

>>>>> "Eli" == Eli Burke <> writes:

Dan> drag and drag and it won't switch pages. If I then hit Control-right,
Dan> it works fine, and thereafter edgescroll works normally. I'm not sure
>> >
>> > I have to click on a different virtual desktop on the pager, and then
>> > edgescroll starts working again, and seems to keep working until I restart
>> and 43. If you need to check out an fvwm2rc to duplicate this, check out

Eli> Using this .fvwm2rc file I was able to duplicate this error. It
Eli> does NOT happen with my .fvwm2rc file. I'm currently eliminating things
Eli> to see if I can narrow down what causes the error.

Eli> While doing all this I thought I'd mention some things I
Eli> noticed: there is an error in the fvwm2 man page: "fvwm2 -f" is
Eli> now "fvwm2 -cmd" and the man page should reflect that. :)

I know - I realized that just after I uploaded the tar file, which is
why I put the patch for that at the bottom of the announcement and on
the web page (didn't I?).

Eli> Also, I like how the failsafe mode works now. You get one menu
Eli> with quit on it. Perhaps it should pop up a menu box and say that
Eli> the .fvwm2rc file was not found?

There are error messages output that indicate that actually, although
they aren't quite visible. I was going to make the menu title be
something like "Read failed - builtin menu", but perhaps a simple
error dialog would be good. I'll see what I can whip up (or at least
change the menu title).

Also, I think I'll add something like "Do you have an rc file now?
Restart fvwm" to that default menu, so you can try again without
completely exitting.

Eli> Ok... after playing around for about a half hour, I think I have
Eli> an idea about what is going wrong. I suspect that everyone who encouters
Eli> this problem uses FvwmCpp.
Eli> When I got the above listed .fvwm2rc file I had to switch to
Eli> starting Fvwm with FvwmCpp. As soon as I did that, I was unable to switch
Eli> virtual screens. I winnowed away at the .fvwmrc file until I had only this:
Eli> In my .xsession: exec fvwm2 -cmd "FvwmCpp /home/staff/eburke/.fvwm2rc"
Eli> The shortest possible fvwm2rc file that doesn't fail. And each time
Eli> I restarted I still had trouble. Then, switching my startup back
Eli> so that it does NOT use FvwmCPP caused the problem to vanish.
Eli> I would have tried running my normal .fvwm2rc through FvwmCpp as a
Eli> backup test, but it barfs on it for some reason and gives me the failsafe.

Eli> So this doesn't exactly solve the problem but it should help
Eli> pinpoint it somewhat.

Yup - it gives me something to try anyways. I'll look into it when I
get a chance and see if this allows me to reproduce it.


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