FVWM:2.0.43 does not compile under Linux/AXP

From: Francois Jaccard <Jaccard_at_Dial.Eunet.Ch>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 19:44:04 GMT


I tried to compile Fvwm 2.0.43 under my Red Hat 3.0.3 linux running on an Dec
Alpha Cabriolet (kernel 2.0.4) without success.

I had to remove the KLUDGE_LIBS = -ldnet_stub (I don't have a libdnet_stub.a)
in Fvwm.tmpl and also remove the two prototypes for bzero and gethostname in
fvwm/alpha_header.h and it then compiled and it seems to run ok.

Any comment on this?

Francois Jaccard
PGP Key ID: 0x3D7B9109
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Received on Wed Jul 10 1996 - 14:58:04 BST

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