Re: FVWM: CurrentScreen patch for fvwm 2.0.43

From: Charles Hines <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 11:42:07 -0400

>>>>> "Dan" == Dan Niles <> writes:

>> Actually, I don't think the distinction between Page and Screen is
>> necessary. I do think that CurrentScreen should be renamed to be
>> CurrentPage to match the semantics of Page and Desk in fvwm and Screen
>> in X11 (although I'd probably keep CurrentScreen around as an
>> undocumented synonym so as to not blow existing users out of the
>> water), and that it should always refer to just the visible page (and
>> not the same page on different desks) as that is really what makes the
>> most sense. If the ability to select things on the same page in
>> different desks is truly needed, I think that should be called
>> SamePage.
>> Chuck

Dan> The way CurrentScreen works now is it selects windows on the
Dan> current page, on any desk. The patch changes CurrentScreen so
Dan> that is always refers to just the visible page (and not the same
Dan> page on different desks). The patch adds CurrentPage to maintain
Dan> the functionality of the old CurrentScreen.

Dan> I think it is usefull to be able to specify any window on the
Dan> current desk, and window on the current page (any desk), and
Dan> windows only on the currently visible page. What does everyone
Dan> else think?

Dan> If all three specifications are available, what are the most
Dan> intuitive names for them? My vote is for CurrentDesk,
Dan> CurrentPage, and CurrentScreen. I would like to hear what other
Dan> people think.

Well, I just added your patch to 2.1.0, slightly modified to match
what I thought made the most sense:

  CurrentDesk - As expected
  CurrentPage - This page, this desk
  SamePage - Same page XY, but any desk

and I left CurrentScreen as a synonym for SamePage (current behavior)
but I plan to remove CurrentScreen from the man page. But perhaps a
better name for SamePage would be CurrentPageAnyDesk? It may be long,
but I like explict names like that, so I think I'll change it to that
(CurrentPageAnyDesk) if no one comes up with a better one.


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