Re: FVWM: Problems with fvwm2 X-window managers as compared to pmwm window managers

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 17:46:22 +0100

On Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 10:54:49AM -0500, Ramaswamy, Karthik wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a developer at Goldman Sachs, NY city. Ever since our applications were
> migrated for running on the fvwm2 window managers, we find the following
> peculiar problem with the time-taken for the hiding of the popup windows:
> Our traders use the etManual application for manual outright and swaps
> trades. It takes an unusually long time to dismiss all manual trades. There
> is a 'dismiss' button on our manual popup which when clicked would free the
> resources associated with the current trade and just hide the current manual
> popup (only to bring it up to the foreground later with a new trade). This
> hiding of the manual popup is not taking place immediately. This looks to
> have been around from the time fvwm2 managers were commissioned, but most of
> the traders didn't make any fuss about this until one of our traders came up
> two weeks back with this issue of the delayed hiding. I looked through the
> program code and tested it for the time intervals amidst the time the
> 'dismiss' button had been clicked to the time the popup is actually hidden.
> However, it doesn't show me any clue as regards times, since the hiding
> seems to be an asynchronous function. However, I noticed that the window
> gets hidden quickly with terminals using pmwm window managers, just the way
> the traders want. On the other hand, on my solaris workstation terminal
> using fvwm2 window manager I find that it indeed takes considerable time to
> have the same popup hidden.
> I would be grateful, if you could either point me to a web-page which
> discusses why such a thing happens or on how I would need to proceed to
> resolve this.

I have hear similar reports several times, but I don't have a clue
what could cause them. If I'd knew a way to reproduce this on my
Linux machine I would start debugging immediately. Unfortunately
the problem seems to be restricted to Solaris.

Would it be possible for you to strip down your source code to a
small sample application that only creates this kind of popup
window and still shows the problem and send it to us? Or if you
can't send this out of your company, create a new sample program?
It will be very helpful to know what the application is doing in
terms of X.


Dominik ^_^ ^_^

Dominik Vogt,
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