Re: FVWM: Fvwm2 Audio ?

From: Mark Boyns <>
Date: 24 Jun 1996 21:43:56 -0700 (Ray Curtis) writes:

> I am using fvwm2 and have been using Fvwm-Audio to play sound
> files for some things in the past. I recently installed
> 'rsynth' on my system and would like to make Fvwm-Audio play
> messages using 'say' from the 'rsynth' package. Has anyone
> tried this, or know if this is possible ? This would be real
> neat to be able to play any message you wanted. Rsynth seems
> to work pretty well using the British dictionary.

That sounds possible. Do you want it to say things like "open",
"close", etc?

Try something like this:

*FvwmAudioPlayCmd /usr/local/bin/say
*FvwmAudio deiconify open
*FvwmAudio iconify close
*FvwmAudio raise_window raise
*FvwmAudio lower_window lower

This will invoke say as `say open', `say close', `say raise', and
`say lower'.

Mark Boyns <> <URL:>
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