FVWM: FvwmButtons problem, more...

From: Jason Lingohr <jason_at_cyber.com.au>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 15:13:08 +1000 (EST)

Just did a truss on both the running fvwm process clicking on an xterm
button, and trussing an xterm from a commandline. Got this from the
commandline truss:

19541: getuid() = 347 [347]
19541: getgid() = 20 [20]
19541: sigaction(SIGTTOU, 0xEFFFEBD0, 0xEFFFECD0) = 0
19541: sigaction(SIGALRM, 0xEFFFEBD0, 0xEFFFECD0) = 0
19541: alarm(2) = 0
19541: open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR) = 6
19541: alarm(0) = 2
19541: sigaction(SIGALRM, 0xEFFFEBD0, 0xEFFFECD0) = 0
19541: ioctl(6, TCGETS, 0xEFFFF63C) = 0
19541: close(6) = 0

And this from the fvwm process:

18678: getuid() = 347 [347]
18678: getgid() = 20 [20]
18678: sigaction(SIGTTOU, 0xEFFFF0A0, 0xEFFFF1A0) = 0
18678: sigaction(SIGALRM, 0xEFFFF0A0, 0xEFFFF1A0) = 0
18678: alarm(2) = 0
18678: open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR) Err#22 EINVAL
18678: alarm(0) = 2
18678: sigaction(SIGALRM, 0xEFFFF0A0, 0xEFFFF1A0) = 0
18678: write(2, " x t e r m", 5) = 5
18678: write(2, " : E r r o r ", 8) = 8
18678: write(2, " 1 4", 2) = 2
18678: write(2, " , e r r n o ", 8) = 8
18678: write(2, " 2 2 : ", 4) = 4
18678: write(2, " I n v a l i d a r g u".., 16) = 16
18678: write(2, "\n", 1) = 1
18678: sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, 0xEFFFF0E8, 0xEFFFF0D8) = 0

As it shows, the already-exec'ed xterm process is trying to get to
/dev/tty, and failing with an EINVAL. The weirdest thing is that
according to the open(2) man page, EINVAL shouldn't even be a returned
error value upon a call to open().

Does this give anyone a better idea?

Jason Lingohr Frankston Monash Yoyo Administration
lingman_at_yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au B.Comp(Inf. Sys.) student
http://yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au/~lingman Internet Systems Consultant
Mobile: +61-(0)411-46-9939 IT Consultant with Cybersource Pty Limited
            IT Journalist -- LAN Magazine Australia/New Zealand

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Received on Wed Jun 19 1996 - 00:17:51 BST

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