FVWM: Problems/bugs with FVWM 2.0.42

From: Markus Gutschke <gutschk_at_uni-muenster.de>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 00:29:48 +0200


[ I am new to this list, so please bear with me if this is a FAQ; and
  please *do* tell me. I read all the doc's that I could find, but I
  might easily have missed something. ]

I provide the Fvwm window manager for a few users at my university
account and I just upgraded from Fvwm 2.0.34 to Fvwm 2.0.42 on
Solaris. While doing so, I noticed a few problems:

 - Fvwm fails to open windows, that contain OpenGL widgets. This
   occurs both with Fvwm 2.0.34 and Fvwm 2.0.42. There is no such
   problem with ol(v)wm, twm, or mwm. When trying to start the
   application, the window size will be *far* too big and the
   application appears to hang.
   I am sorry that I cannot be more specific, as the applications all
   use a proprietary library that I am not allowed to make publically
   available. I will try to find more information or to alternatively
   make a statically linked sample application available. Please tell
   me, what would be most helpful. This is a really serious bug, that
   prevents a few people from using Fvwm.

 - The 2.0.42 release seems to lack some of the modules that came with
   older releases. I have not yet check, if these features are now
   available by other means, but a short note in the documentation
   might be helpful. Besides, it appears that the old modules still
   work, so why did you have to remove the source code anyways?

 - FvwmButton seems to have a bug when swallowing the FvwmPager
   module. When I tried to do this, the space for the pager was
   allocated (4 buttons), but the pager did not show up in it. I did
   not investigate this any further, as using the old version of
   FvwmButton would fix this problem. I can provide more information,
   if this is needed.

 - I do not want to bind anything to the left mouse button, when on
   the desktop background. How do I disable the default exit-menu?

Comments are very much appreciated!

So long,

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Received on Tue Jun 18 1996 - 20:57:29 BST

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