Re: FVWM: key/mouse binding lists

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 1996 15:50:05 -0400

>>>>> "Todd" == Todd Fries <> writes:

Todd> From what I can tell, fvwm keeps a linked list of keybindings
Todd> and mouse bindings that are all applied to each window that is
Todd> captured at the time the window is captured, and at no other
Todd> time.
Todd> What I would like to point out that should (imho) be on the todo
Todd> list is the ability to undefine a keybinding or mouse binding.
Todd> Anyone want to tackle this? I kindof know what needs to
Todd> happen (if a keybinding 'function' is a '-', for example,
Todd> and it is in the linked list of keybindings, remove and
Todd> free it...) but I'm not sure if I understand X or fvwm
Todd> well enough to pull it off gracefully...

Todd> Anyone willing to help here?

I do have something related in the TO-DO list already:

  - Setting Key's via FvwmTalk or Read requires Recapture to take effect?

and I planned to look into that, as it doesn't seem necessary to me.

I agree that there should be a way to dynamically unbind them as well,
so I'm adding that to the TO-DO list right now.

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Received on Mon Jun 17 1996 - 14:57:25 BST

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