Re: FVWM: Re: menu problems

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 17:04:57 -0400

>>>>> "MT" == Michael Tiefenback <> writes:

MT> On Thu, 13 Jun 1996, Lars Wirzenius wrote:
>> Just as a wild guess, do either of you use FvwmAuto (autoraise)?
>> That's the only time it has happened to me. AFAICT, the problem I'm
>> seeing is inherent with that (and I can live with it without problems).

MT> Nope....Personally, I can't stand AutoRaise. I like to stack windows,
MT> using those which are partially exposed for inputs and others which are
MT> closer to the top as monitors (in the control system for our electron
MT> accelerator, for instance). I use focus-follows-mouse. The source of my
MT> Motif widget problem seems to be that mouse-hits popping up these menus
MT> also induce a window-raise command, which is usually but (of late) not
MT> always executed *after* the menu popup. (I don't know how to do X [or
MT> even C; i'm illiterate] programming or I'd probably figure out how to fix
MT> this myself, either in the relevant Motif programs or in fvwm's Motif-ish
MT> modes). Oh well, maybe when the accelerator is finally perfect.... I'm
MT> currently thinking the problem is not a direct consequence of Motif, but
MT> of the way the affected apps are written. However, since mwm/HPVUE
MT> handle them well even though fvwm/twm don't, there must be a way.

Interesting. If you are using FocusFollowsMouse and don't run
FvwmAuto, it shouldn't be raising the window when you click in it,
only if you click on the titlebar and you have that mouse binding set
up to raise it. I just tried this with a motif program that had a
menubar and had no problems. But then, as you said, perhaps your
particular program is coded to raise itself.

ClickToFocus windows will raise by default if you click in them, on
the other hand. I've added a remark to the TO-DO list to make a way
to control that...

Also, I put in a fix to FvwmAuto which makes it work ok with
ClickToFocus windows, although I doubt many people use that
combination. That'll be in the next beta. FocusFollowsMouse windows
may be a little harder - still looking into that.

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