FVWM: new stuff

From: <mark.crimmins_at_umich.edu>
Date: Mon, 03 Jun 1996 22:46:43 -0400

OK, now we have BLT drag&drop, tkSteal for swallowing your favorite X
utilities, and, hold onto your seats, BALLOON HELP!

Almost certainly the new conglomeration of C stuff in libtkg will mean
portability problems. Please let me know what troubles you find.
Also, the swallowing function right now can take a good bit of
fiddling with to get what you want (because you often have to specify
the geometry twice: once for the application, and again for the
tkgoodstuff window).


tkgoodstuff: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~markcrim/tkgoodstuff
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Received on Mon Jun 03 1996 - 21:47:10 BST

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