Re: FVWM: Crash in Linux

From: Raymond Toy <>
Date: Fri, 31 May 1996 15:51:24 -0400

>>>>> "Erik" == Erik Rissanen <> writes:

    Erik> The problem is that fvwm2 crashes when I switch to an another
    Erik> virtual console with ctrl+alt+Fn (Fn is any F-key). This seems to
    Erik> happen at random times, but very often. To produce it I just
    Erik> do something in X and switch from and back until it happens.
    Erik> It always happens when I switch from X to text, never the opposite.

    Erik> In case it is a bug in the server, here is the version info:

    Erik> XFree86 Version 3.1.2 / X Window System
    Erik> (protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6000)

This used to happen to me all of the time. I vaguely remember that
this was caused by a bug in the server. I upgraded my server and
haven't had that problem since. I think it's enough to just upgrade
the server and not all of X. (Well any libraries the server uses

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