Re: Shellpipes in Read (was Re^2: FVWM: Global fvwm configuration)

From: Jim Nicholson <>
Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 10:04:12 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 30 May 1996 chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM wrote:

> >>>>> "Peter" == Peter Funk <> writes:
> Peter> Quoting Martin Kraemer:
> Peter> [...]
> mk> Or, using the Pipe mechanism I saw on this list earlier on (and which I
> mk> think would be _very_ useful to include as a standard feature), one
> mk> could easily write
> mk> Read "| [ -f $HOME/.fvwm2rc ] && cat $HOME/.fvwm2rc || cat /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2/system.fvwm2rc"
> Peter> This syntax is very misleading! A leading vertical bar ('|')
> Peter> suggests, that the process will open the pipe for writing
> Peter> instead of reading.
> I thought that initially too, and was thinking that 'Read "< cmd"'
> might be better. But then that would look like file redirection...

Actually, read "| cmd" is similar to perl's open(HANDLE,"| cmd"). Perl
starts the pipeline; reads to HANDLE get cmd's stdout, while writes to
handle are placed on cmd's stdin. Perl *DOES* support
open(HANDLE,"cmd |"), in which case you can read HANDLE to get cmd's
stdout, but cmd gets an eof on stdin reads.

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