From: Albrecht Kadlec <albrecht_at_auto.tuwien.ac.at>
Date: Thu, 30 May 96 00:33:55 +0200

well, HOSTDISPLAY is apparently set to `hostname`,
which doesn't include the domain in our domain.
(and I can't change that)

Any way to tell fvwm the missing domain once and forever?

Little ice bear comes up to his mother and asks: "Mom, I'm really an
ice bear, am I?" "Of course you are." So the little ice bear goes up
to his father: "Dad, I'm really an ice bear, not a brown bear, or a
kodiak bear?" "Yes, of course you're an ice bear" - "Absolutly sure,
I'm not a grizzly?" "Absolutely - why?" "Because it's fucking cold!"
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