Re: FVWM: Title bar title changing

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 14:12:23 -0400

>>>>> "Ken" == Ken Dickerson <> writes:

Ken> Chuck,
Ken> I have more information on this. I have sent your responses as
Ken> well as some others to our IS group. Here is what I received:

Ken> We are currently using pre-2.0 patch level 34. The IS person
Ken> believed the escape sequences worked with patch level 22, but it
Ken> does not work in 34.

Ah! That would be the problem then. pl34 was rather buggy, and this
was one of the bugs fixed in pl35 (although it was pretty buggy too):

  pl 34 to 35
         0. New maintainer for fvwm now, please go easy on him :)
         1. Fixed Title & Icon name change bug introduced in pl 34

I had forgotten about that. At the time a LOT of people complained
about that too. :)

I recommend you upgrade to the latest level (2.0.42), or wait until I
get the next one out (probably next week some time).

BTW - the next one should be the last beta before the first official
release (finially).

Ken> The routine you mentioned before (HandlePropertyNotify) in
Ken> events.c did undergo some modifications between pl22 and pl34. Is
Ken> it possible that something broke during these changes?

Yup. Something in pl34 did it.

Ken> My IS person stated that perhaps the changes (between pl22 and
Ken> pl34) assume a particular release of X11? We are currently using
Ken> X11r5 from QuestWin on the Sun's. Perhaps there is something with
Ken> the compatability with the above mentioned changes and the X11
Ken> release that is to blame?

I don't remember what the exact cause was, actually (that was quite
some time ago). But fear not, it is fixed in any of the newer

Ken> Thanks for any help you can provide.

No problem.


Charles K. Hines <>
IBM Logic Synthesis Developer [BooleDozer (TM)]
Martial Arts Instructor [Modern Arnis, Presas Style Filipino Martial Arts]

         "Go back to sleep, Chuck. You're just havin' a nightmare
             -- of course, we ARE still in Hell." (Gary Larson)
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