Re: FVWM: Global fvwm configuration

From: Lars Wirzenius <>
Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 20:17:49 +0300

> Carlos> - If there is a $HOME/.fvwm2rc, no other configuration file
> Carlos> seems to be read during configuration.
> This is true, currently.

Earlier I said that fvwm would still read system.fvwmrc. My statement was
wrong, but it's because I had misread Carlos as saying "If there is no ...".
I should get more sleep.

> For the next beta release I plan to make it look explicitly for
> system.fvwm2rc in the 'FvwmDir' directory before it tries to read
> on by default (haven't decided yet).

I think it may be a mistake to force a global config file to be read.
Or at least it will mean that the system admin can't put too much of an
environment there. For instance, he can't start modules there, because
not everyone will want them. A user should be able to completely avoid
a system.fvwmrc, IMHO.

> Well, another way is you could have all of your users read a file at
> the top of thier .fvwm2rc files that has all of your explicit menu
> definitions and such:
> # top of ~/.fvwm2rc
> Read /path/to/your/system.fvwm2rc
> # rest of user's rc file follows, which may override these things...

I think this solution is not so hot. If the location or name of the
global file changes (and it _will_ change), every user .fvwm2rc will have
to be modified.

My system.fvwmrc hack is better, IMHO, because it reads in files from the
user's directory. (See and

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