Re: FVWM: resize text

From: Emilio Lopes <>
Date: Mon, 27 May 96 15:13 EST

>>>>> "gjhaygoo" == greg haygood <> wrote:

gjhaygoo> quick question, should be easy, though i haven't found the
gjhaygoo> answer anywhere. the resize text i'm referring to is the
gjhaygoo> little window that pops up when you do a resize on a window.
gjhaygoo> with my setup, this window appears in the middle of my
gjhaygoo> screen, yet i want it in the upper left. i've tried using
gjhaygoo> the RC files from Tim Gilman's archive, and some of the
gjhaygoo> files do set the window in the upper left. but i can't find
gjhaygoo> whether it's something i need to add or remove from my RC to
gjhaygoo> get this behavior.

In version 1 the responsible for this thing is the command
"MWMMenus". The equivalent in version 2 is "MenuStyle mwm", I guess.


 Emilio C. Lopes <>
 FINPE, Instituto de Fisica      E-mail:
 Universidade de Sao Paulo       Phone : (+55 11) 818-6724 (Voice)
 Caixa Postal 66318                      (+55 11) 818-6715 (Fax)
 05389-970  Sao Paulo - SP
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