FVWM: Bug in FvwmWinList?

From: Anthony Fiarito <alf_at_pdx492.jf.intel.com>
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 09:53:53 -0700

I use the WinList module a lot and notice that it's position
changes by one pixel every time its size changes (gain or lost
of an icon). The offending line seems to be 239 of FvwmWinList.c:

        if (win_border!=0) win_border++;

I *do* keep a border around my WinList (that's how I noticed it).

Removing this line keeps WinList from creeping off the edge of
the screen over time. Does this line of code serve some purpose
that I am missing? Or is it a bug?


       Anthony Fiarito |     Intel Corporation     | alf_at_ichips.intel.com 
  503-264-7069 (Voice) | Microprocessor Division 6 | 503-202-0154 (Pager)
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