Re: FVWM: Keysyms again.

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 11:49:14 -0400

>>>>> "DK" == David Kennedy <D.Kennedy_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK> writes:

DK> This is becoming a very FAQ...and its not directly fvwm related.

I have some info about the Sun keyboards in the FAQ already (question
19), and I just put a reference to xev & xkeycaps as well.

DK> I have a key on my Sun (type 5?) keyboard, beside the F keys,
DK> with nothing on it (beside 'Help'). I'd like for it to be
DK> 'Lock Screen'. Running 'xev' shows it up as 'NoSymbol'.

DK> This isn't the right keysym (or whatever the correct term is)
DK> for fvwm obviously as it does not work. Question - what is the
DK> correct way of finding the 'name' of that key?

Did you try xkeycaps to see if it knows what it is? I would have
expected xev to work as well though...

Anyone out there using a Sun box w/ a type 5 keyboard have anything to
say? Also, I remember some recent discussions on this list about the
Sun type 5 keyboards - try searching the archives for 'type 5' and see
if it comes back with anything relevant.

DK> ObFvwmBugsAndRequests:
DK> (a) StartsOnPage would be very very useful.

I imagine it would. When I get a chance, I'll do it, but it may not
be before the first official release, as I have to start limiting what
new stuff goes in so I can actually get it out the door sometime

DK> (b) Window tend to uniconise/pop up on the 'wrong' page if
DK> iconised with their titlebar slightly offscreen.

I tried quickly to reproduce this when you reported it the other day,
but couldn't. Anyone else out there seeing this?

DK> (c) Sometimes after certain events (like screen locking,
DK> dismissing some apps) key bindings don't work. Moving the
DK> mouse over a window and back out to the root window then
DK> allows the bindings to work again. (Like F keys to jump
DK> pages etc)

Hm. Interesting. I'll try and investigate this (it may be related to
some cleanup in the keybinding stuff that I wanted to look into


Charles K. Hines <>
IBM Logic Synthesis Developer [BooleDozer (TM)]
Martial Arts Instructor [Modern Arnis, Presas Style Filipino Martial Arts]

        "Go back to sleep, Chuck. You're just havin' a nightmare
            -- of course, we are still in Hell." (Gary Larson)
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