FVWM: Re: FvwmButtons: Action(mouse 1)

From: Dave Goldberg <dsg_at_linus.mitre.org>
Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 16:58:08 -0400

> (Thanks for the new Buttons, Jarl! It's great.)

> Does anyone have a working example of a (mouse) action binding in a
> swallowed button: I have the following in ".fvwm2rc"

Unfortunately, I think it can't be done in the obvious (and most
desireable) way because it would be hard to distinguish when the mouse
click is supposed to do a FvwmButtons action and when it should be
passed to the swallowed app. For example, two of the things I have
FvwmButtons swallow, xbuffy and FvwmPager, both require that mouse
clicks be passed to them or they won't operate properly, and if I
click in the xbuffy to view the headers in a mailbox, which I often do
to see if the mail is important, then I wouldn't want any other
assigned FvwmButton action to happen.

What can work, though not quite as visually pleasing as I suspect
you'd like, is to put the swallowing button inside a container and
assign the action to the container. If you set the padding to
something >0 in the container, clicking in the pad area will perform
your defined click action. I didn't have any real use for it, but I
tried the following for grins and when I clicked in the padding to the
left of the xbuffy and the right of the pager, sure enough an xterm
was launched:

*FvwmButtons(26x1, Frame 0, Padding 4 0, \
        Action `Exec "XTerm" xcmd xterm`, \
        Container(Frame 1, Padding 0 0 Rows 1))
*FvwmButtons(Swallow(Kill) XBuffy "Exec xcmd xbuffy")
*FvwmButtons(Swallow(Kill) FvwmPager "Module FvwmPager 0 3")

Hope this helps,

Dave Goldberg
Post: The Mitre Corporation\MS B305\202 Burlington Rd.\Bedford, MA 01730
Phone: 617-271-3887
Email: dsg_at_mitre.org

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