FVWM: Getting FocusFollowsMouse right

From: Harry Putnam <reader_at_newsguy.com>
Date: 16 Nov 2000 05:51:05 -0800

In the past using Redhat Linux systems up to 6.2 I've been able to
configure fvwm2 to my liking using Redhats setup with AnotherLevel
which is not the stock way to set up fvwm2.

Now running Freebsd and I'm trying to use the normal way of
configuring. That is with an .fvwm2rc in $HOME/.fvwm/

fvwm2 -version reveals:

  fvwm2 -version
  [FVWM][main]: Fvwm Version 2.3.20 compiled on Jul 9 2000 at 13:37:33
  [FVWM][main]: with support for: ReadLine XPM IMLIB Session

One thing I haven't been able to get the way I want it is how focus is

I want FocusFollowsMouse where when the cursor enters/leaves a frame
that frame gains/looses focus. But further I want any frame the
cursor enters to be raised within a settable period of time.

I haven't been able to figure out how to get those interrelated items
to work together.

Or the syntax I need to set this in .fvwm2rc

So in summary I'm asking how to set things up so that:

Mouse Cursor enters window - window gets focus and is raised within <N ms>
Mouse Cursor leaves window - window looses focus.

No sloppy focus or other watered down version of FocusFollowsMouse.

In view of the mass of config files, vast number of Variables etc.
I'm findiing it difficult to get my preferred setup.

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Received on Thu Nov 16 2000 - 20:49:40 GMT

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