Re: FVWM: Cutting and Pasting using a 2 button mosue

From: Dan Niles <>
Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 15:52:20 -0500

> I currently have a 2 button mouse which works adequately when outside any
> window, but I really need to be able to cut text from one window and be
> able to paste that text somewhere else. Currently the left mouse button
> will hi-lite areas, but of course no pasting. Does anyone have ideas on
> changes I can make to my .fvwmrc file, so that I can either use a right
> mouse button press or hold both buttons to paste while inside a window.
> Thanks in advance,
> greg

That is application dependent. For example, if you cut something in a
window and then use the yank command in emacs, it will come from the cut

I can only think of 2 ways to solve your problem globally:

1) Get a 3-button mouse, or

2) Use 3-button emulation.

I use 3-button emulation, and it works well most of the time. On my
system (linux), I just uncommented the line


in /etc/XF86Config.

Hope that helps,

Dan Niles
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Received on Wed May 08 1996 - 15:47:48 BST

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