Re: FVWM: Re: Opaque Resize?

From: Todd Tyrone Fries <>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 23:30:24 -0600 (MDT)

> >>>>> "MB" == Mark Borges <> writes:
> I haven't seen this particular problem, and I'm doing a lot of
> restarting these days. :-) It definitely happens to me when I
> iconify/de-iconify but like you it's not very reproducible. It only
> seems to happen with XEmacs, but maybe it's just that I use those
> windows more than anything else so I haven't noticed it with other
> applications.

One thing I have noticed on restarts is that even though the cursor is over
a window and point-focus is in effect, I must move the cursor to the boarder
and back to get fvwm to give the window focus.

Is this supposed to happen, as I would hope that a simple test upon restart
would suffice to keep this from occurring..

Todd Fries
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Received on Wed May 01 1996 - 00:31:39 BST

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