FVWM: Re: Fvwm article

From: Dave Goldberg <dsg_at_linus.mitre.org>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 15:36:42 -0400

I suppose this should be directed at Mr. Brownrigg. Maybe he's on the

> He says that as it stands, virtual desks add little to the virtual
> page concept.

Then he hasn't been opening enough windows :-)

I use a 3x3 desktop and until very recently only used a single desk.
However, on a recent project, I found I was opening more and more
windows. I like to keep the number of windows per page as small as
possible to avoid overlap. Sure, I could have edited my .fvwm2rc with
a different Desktop scheme, but that would mess up the mapping I have
between the keypad and GotoPage, not to mention having to restart.
Instead, I just moved to the next desk and bang - nine more pages, no
reconfiguration necessary. I, for one, consider this to be a major

Dave Goldberg
Post: The Mitre Corporation\MS B305\202 Burlington Rd.\Bedford, MA 01730
Phone: 617-271-3887
Email: dsg_at_mitre.org
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Received on Tue Apr 30 1996 - 14:34:12 BST

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