FVWM: fvwm-2.0.42 installation bug.

From: Arnon Kanfi <arnon_at_gilly.datatools.com>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 96 17:12:49 EDT

There is an unresolved reference to strerror() in builtins.c on SunOs (I am
using SunOs 4.1.4 but I believe that this problem will occur on other
versions as well). My fix was to add the following lines to the top of the

#if defined __sun__ && !defined SYSV
extern char *sys_errlist[] ;
#define strerror(err) sys_errlist[err]

This is not ideal because garbage error code may cause core dumps. A function
which does boundary checking would be better, however it should be OK for most

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