Re: FVWM: FlipFocus

From: Michael Kirby <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 08:15:24 PDT

On 29 Apr 96 at 7:48, Dan Niles wrote:

> I have an idea for a useful function. It is a slight modification to
> what Next [*] Focus does. As a refresher, Next [*] Focus transfers
> focus to the next window, leaving the order unchanged.
> The idea I have is for a function (FlipFocus) that switches the order.
> It could be used to flip back and forth between to windows using a
> single key. I do this constantly, and currently have to remember
> whether to use Next or Prev.

Maybe what I am about to say will doom this potential idea forever,
but isn't that similar to what microsoft DOS window in windows does?

I like that functionality in windows, it enables me to switch between
multiple applications fairly easily, providing focus (and
deiconifying if necessary).

Would you just change the focus? or would you also do warping? What
about iconification? It is probably worth while giving it a try.
(of course, its not my time I'm talking about spending :-)

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Received on Mon Apr 29 1996 - 10:13:29 BST

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