FVWM: Pixmaps in Window buttons don't use PixmapPath, and leak colours.

From: Andrew Veliath <veliaa_at_rpi.edu>
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 14:08:23 -0400

>>>>> "All kneel at the words of the human John Henders!"

    John> I was playing around adding various pixmaps to my Window
    John> button and found a few bugs. One, the PixmapPath doesn't
    John> appear to be followed for loading xpms into the buttons. I

Are you sure PixmapPath is specified before the ButtonStyle
declarations? It works fine over here.

    John> had to hard code the path to the pixmaps to get them to
    John> load. Also, I was experimenting by adding new pixmaps with
    John> the FvwmTalk command line module and I filled up my colour
    John> map. The only way I could get any colours back was by
    John> quitting fvwm.

This might be something to look into in the pixmap cache...

PC sellers are Bill collectors.
Andrew Veliath <veliaa_at_rpi.edu>
Finger for PGP Key
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Received on Sat Apr 27 1996 - 13:10:24 BST

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