FVWM: Fvwm 2.0.42 compiling - XPM

From: Marc A. Volovic <marc_at_leonardo.ls.huji.ac.il>
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 20:38:13 +0200


First, I apologize for mail from a machine not subscribed to the list -
our primary machine died :-).

Chris has, in one of his replies to me, sent a fix for the lack of
XPM support in fvwm-2.0.42. This fix (a change to the Fvwm.tmpl file)
works as advertised :-).

Alas, building the modules from the fvwm-2.0.42 directory does NOT
include XPM support in FvwmButtons (which promptly display what there
is to be displayed, MINUS icons). Changing to the FvwmButtons subdir
and issuing `make` there works and FvwmButtons works thereafter.

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Received on Fri Apr 26 1996 - 14:30:49 BST

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