Re: FVWM: sample.fvwmrc Imakefile logic error Bug and Fix

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 10:25:03 -0400

>>>>> "Keith" == Keith Carter <> writes:

Keith> A logic error in the sample.fvwmrc Imakefile causes the sample makefile
Keith> to be included even if you say "NO" to the option i.e.

Keith> #define InstallSample NO

Keith> sample.fvwmrc/Imakefile was

Keith> #ifdef InstallSample
Keith> InstallNonExecFile(system.fvwmrc,$(FVWMDIR))
Keith> #endif

Keith> which if InstallSample was YES or NO would install the sample

Keith> and should be:

Keith> #if InstallSample == YES
Keith> InstallNonExecFile(system.fvwmrc,$(FVWMDIR))
Keith> #endif

Thanks, fixed for next release.

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Received on Thu Apr 25 1996 - 09:22:38 BST

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