Re: FVWM: Transparent Windows Titles

From: Martin Trampler <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 1996 18:22:16 +0200


>>>>> "CH" == Charles Hines <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM> writes:

>>>>> "Paolo" == Bussola <Paolo> writes:
    Paolo> There's a trouble I encountered in the 2.0.41 version of
    Paolo> FVWM and in 2.0.42 also: when I start Fvwm, window borders
    Paolo> and titlebars aren't of the right colour but
    Paolo> "transparent". Of course, when I (re)activate the windows,
    Paolo> the colour gets right.

    Paolo> Does anybody else have this problem?

    CH> I don't think I've heard anything like this reported before,
    CH> no.

We have this behaviour all the time since I upgraded from 1.24 to
2.40. It shows only on the couple of b/w displays we still have (SUN
Workstations and NCD X-Terminals) but never on color-displays.

The OS is Solaris 2.4.

Since we're about to replace the old machines I never bothered, but
the problem definitely exists.


    Martin Trampler
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Received on Tue Apr 23 1996 - 11:19:35 BST

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