I tested fvwm2 .42 with xpm, xpm titlebuttons, and xpm titlebar supported on solaris2.5
fvwm2 2296 1976
pager 1904 1584
total 4200 3560
olvwm 4688 3712
not much different but look what you get with FVWM!
I will try fvwm 1.24 later.
| Justin Gaither V (919)850-6573|
| 1630SX HW Development +---------------+ FAX (919)850-6590|
| Alcatel Network Systems | A L C A T E L | |
| jgaither_at_aur.alcatel.com +---------------+ Raleigh, NC |
| why not! |
http://sdrnr1.aur.alcatel.com:8000/~jgaither |
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