FVWM: FVWM xpm's in title bar

From: Andrew Veliath <veliaa_at_rpi.edu>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 20:56:39 -0400

>>>>> C3PO, with all his courtesy, vomited:
>>>>> "All gasp at the words of the omnipresent Justin L Gaither!"

    Justin> I was trying to get xpm's into the title bar except they
    Justin> do not work. I am using 2.0.42 which should have it
    Justin> except when I search all *.h and *.c I can not find
    Justin> ActivePixmap anywhere.

    Justin> anyone help?

You won't find it in there since it is not part of fvwm, sorry
(pixmaps on the title-bar). I presume you got the idea from the WWW
page. This is an unreleased patch. I've since made some
modifications to the page to clarify this. Thanks for bringing it up
however, as I now see the confusion it may have caused.


PC sellers are Bill collectors.
Andrew Veliath <veliaa_at_rpi.edu>
Finger for PGP Key
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Received on Thu Apr 18 1996 - 19:58:50 BST

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