FVWM: Small bug in FvwmPager?

From: Timothy C Hagman <hagmanti_at_cps.msu.edu>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 07:13:02 -0400 (EDT)

I'm not sure if this really qualifies (it's late enough my
time that it's early again), so before I do any more playing
with the sources, I'd like to check something.

It seems like the (NoClose,UseOld) flags for the Swallow command (in
FvwmButtons) should work even during a Restart-- i.e., I should
be able to click on my Restart button, the pager closes itself,
all the swallowed apps get regurgitated, fvwm2 restarts, and they
get reswallowed...

Unfortunately, restart behaves the same way as "Destroying"
FvwmButtons... all the apps get nuked...

It seems to me that this is because Done() in fvwm.c just
calls XCloseDisplay. Is there any reason for it _not_ to send
messages to the modules saying that its shutting down? Am I
missing something obvious here?

I can understand if the modules don't survive a restart (although
I wouldn't mind if they did), but is it necessary to "destroy"
the FvwmButtons on a restart?

If it's not, then I'll be happy to volunteer to implement a
change to this behavior/make it user modifiable...

But if it is, then my sleep-deprived mind will be very glad
I decided to ask before banging my brain against a wall...

        Good day, all,

Disclaimer:  Anything I said, writ, or thought in my life should not
necessarily be held or thought to imply any view, opinion, or idea
of mine, any organization I have chosen to associate  with, or those
people who choose to associate with me. - hagmanti_at_pilot.msu.edu
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