FVWM: WarpToTransient?

From: Alan Wild <arwild01_at_scic.intel.com>
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 09:25:38 -0700 (PDT)

I'm one of the last people in the world that wants to see fvwm get much
bigger, but I did think of a feature that I wish fvwm had.

I would like to see some sort of WarpToTransient (sp) Style flag of some
kind that would automatically warp the mouse pointer to the center (or
some offset) of a Transient window.

This would make text searches in some applications much friendlier
because I wouldn't be forced to move my mouse.

Of course, I don't think I would want this in every application. That's
why it would make for a nice style flag.

Any thoughts?


Alan Wild  f/s/c                                   Intel SET-CA AV Tools
Mail Stop: CO3-222                          Office Phone:  (503)677-4538
arwild01_at_scic.intel.com             arwild01_at_starbase.spd.louisville.edu
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Received on Mon Apr 08 1996 - 11:24:29 BST

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