FVWM: Some questions about 2.0.41

From: H}vard Fosseng <havard.fosseng_at_usit.uio.no>
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 01:09:56 +0200

Having recently converted from 1.24r and gotten things to work nearly
the way I want them, I have some questions:

1. How does the execution of the lines of an AddToFunc depend on the
   success/failure of the preceding lines? The function below seems to
   do what I want, i. e.:

   -- If a window by that name exists, make sure it's not iconified
      and give it focus.

   -- If no such window exists, create one ($1 since the command to
      create a window may differ from its name once created), wait for
      it to appear and then give it the focus.

   AddToFunc Warp I Next [$0] Iconify -1
   + I Next [$0] Focus
   + I None [$0] Exec detach $1
   + I Wait $0
   + I Next [$0] Focus

   No window gets created if one already exists, which is what I want,
   but I would like to know how this comes about. The man page doesn't
   seem to say anything about this.

2. The man page states that you can use $0-9. Is there any parallel
   to shell $* or $_at_, i. e. *all* the positional parameters?

3. When I invoke WindowList from the keyboard, as in

   Key o A 3 WindowList 0 0

   it takes *two* keystrokes to jump to some window. It doesn't seem
   to matter whether the window's number is the first, last or both of
   these. If I key in two different numbers, the last one takes

   When I invoke WindowList with the mouse, one keystroke is enough.

   If this isn't the way things are supposed to work, tell me and I'll
   send a proper bug report. If it is, please tell me some way to work
   around it; it's annoying!

Last, but definitely not least, thank you to those who've made Fvwm available!

-- Håvard Fosseng

Håvard Fosseng S'il fallait tolérer aux autres tout ce qu'on se permet á
Informatics soi-même, la vie ne serait plus tenable.
University of Oslo -- Georges Courteline

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