Re: FVWM: Fvwm95-2

From: Hector Peraza <>
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 10:58:06 +0200 (MET DST)

On Fri, 5 Apr 1996, Frank Weis wrote:

> I'd love to have the Pixmaps in the menus, too. I found that really
> VERY pleasing.

With the standard fvwm2 you can have also the pixmaps in the menus (the
vvwm95 menu code is the same as in fvwm2). Just use the same syntax
for the menu items in your .fvwm2rc

> I found this package (fvwm95) very interesting, and I really hope I
> will have pixmaps in my menus one day. However, I was unable to
> configure fvwm95 to make my windows look like they did before so I
> went back to vanilla fvwm. I hope it wont be necessary to make fvwm95
> a window manager "on its own"! I'd be very happy if at least parts of
> it would be available as add-ons to fvwm in the future, either as
> Modules (TaskBar) or as configuration options (Pixmaps in the menus
> and window title bars).

Yes, the win-95 look and feel in fvwm is hard-coded inside, you cannot
change it back to the standar look with any option. Actually, I started
the hack just as a hobby, because I like the win95 look (although I hate
windows.xx too, and more specifically I hate M$). Then when D.Barth
announced his taskbar I decided to put the whole package in my ftp, so
anybody who likes can use it.

I didn't want to add the win-95 look and feel as an additional option to
fvwm, because that would increase the memory consumption. Take into
account that the border-drawing routines are different, there are changes
in the menu drawing routines and in the popup code, the title and buttons
placement routines also have changed, some internal structures changed to
make possible to have a different title color scheme than the border, a
new broadcast message was added, etc. Add all that together to the fvwm
code and you finish with... a monster. But all that can change if the idea
of having a module(s) responsible for the window's look and feel success,
as I hope. In that case you just will have to load the module you want,
and voila!

About the new modules, the idea is to make them work also with the
standard fvwm, but with some of them you might require some patches to
fvwm, because they would need some new special funcion from fvwm.

Hector Peraza.
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Received on Fri Apr 05 1996 - 02:51:58 BST

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