FVWM: Pager question

From: David Kennedy <D.Kennedy_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 16:16:45 +0100

Not to compare apples and oranges again but something that olvwm does well
is the Virtual Desktop and...

        (1) Can I get fvwm not to show sticky windows in the pager? I *know* where they are!
        (2) Can I ask fvwm not to show cerain windows or icons in the pager? Eg can I get it
to ignore popups associated with other apps? Running some astronomical stuff gives
me a very crowded pager when all I need to know is where my IRAF stuff is.
David Kennedy, Dept. of Pure & Applied Physics, Queen's University of Belfast
Email: D.Kennedy_at_Queens-Belfast.ac.uk | URL: http://star.pst.qub.ac.uk/~dcjk/
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